Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Raja Petra's Son beaten in Sg. Buloh Prison?

Oh my god... Raja Petra's son is beaten daily in the Sg. Buloh Prison in all attempts to force him to pled guilty to all charges. This is reported in Raja Petra's blog (http://mt.m2day.org/2008/content/view/28119/84/)

This is a dirty tactic used by our Government to force Raja Petra out from his hiding? Instead of trying to hunt RPK down, they choose the easier route. Beating his son, so to make RPK feel bad that he is the root cause to his son's suffering. I can imagine how bad a father would feel about it.

But I am furious!!! How can a Government resorts to such inhuman tactic! I wonder if the police would investigate, or it is the work of the police?

If such claim by Raja Petra is true, what guarantee that man in the street like us will be protected from any injustice? How much faith can we place on our Government?

This naturally lead me to think if the same was actually forced onto Teoh Hock Beng, forcing him to admit and accuse the same to his boss, which result in a tragedy.

Whatever the outcome of the inquiry, public opinion has been formed, and I fear that more and more people are losing faith in the present Malaysian Government unless drastic clean-up efforst are been done. Suggested areas to work on first are:

1. Altantuya C4 Case
2. Lingam correct correc correct case
4. Former Selangor MB Shah Alam Mansion
5. Teoh Hock Beng
6. Whoever mentioned in the Auditor-General Report

Anymore? The government understands that Malaysian are generally forgetful, so I think it is important that we constantly remind ourselves of these outstanding cases, which we shall repeatly remind them when the general election come.

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